Monthly Archives: February 2012

Which Writer Wrote

Time is slipping through my fingers like slivers of a rainbow and I may have missed a week or two of WWW.

This week’s quote comes from my recent research into the concept of “home” which is sometimes wrapped up in our feelings about national identity. Who do you think wrote it?  Put in your vote and check in on Friday for the answer.

Most new nations go through the formality of inventing a national identity, but Australia has long supported a whole industry of image-makers to tell us what we are.

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Which Writer Wrote ANSWER

The once irrepressible Truman Capote (1924-1984) penned this week’s quote. 

It is the opening sentence of Children on Their Birthdays:

Yesterday afternoon the six-o’clock bus ran over Miss Bobbit.  I’m not sure what there is to be said about it; after all, she was only ten years old, still I know no one of us in this town will forget her.

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Which Writer Wrote

Metaphorically flitting offshore this week to bring you a quote from a celebrated American Writer.

Have a guess at who the author is and check in on Friday for the answer.

Yesterday afternoon the six-o’clock bus ran over Miss Bobbit.  I’m not sure what there is to be said about it; after all, she was only ten years old, still I know no one of us in this town will forget her.


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Stanthorpe Writers Group

This coming week marks the inaugural meeting of what will hopefully become The Stanthorpe Writers Group*.

Thanks to an article in the Stanthorpe Border Post, I received interest from a dozen local writers who, as yet, I know very little about. 

I have gone no further than preparing a flyer on the best way to critique an author’s work (from a workshop I attended) as well as a rough agenda so that we can power through those necessary housekeeping items such as formats and themes for the meetings.

I am excited by the prospect of spending at least a few hours every month (with perhaps online and email contact in between) with like-minded people in my area so we can share tips, practice our craft and provide much needed encouragement to each other.

If anyone has advice on writing groups that I could pass on to the group, it would be very much appreciated.

*You will notice the absence of an apostrophe where writers should be writers’.   I have always felt it looks somewhat cumbersome in a heading so I decided to opt for the Queensland Writers Centre example of leaving it out all together.


Filed under Stanthorpe Writers Group

Which Writer Wrote ANSWER

However, the majority of women are neither harlots nor courtesans; nor do they sit clasping pug dogs to dusty velvet all through the summer afternoon.

This week’s WWW is quoted from Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own, the influential middle class feminist polemic which questions the way history is written, explores the notion of gender in literature and the importance  of time, money and space in a writer’s life.


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