
Karenlee Thompson is only a little bit scared of heights, marginally frightened of the dark, and a teensy bit claustrophobic.  Flame Tip (a collection of short fictions) was published by Hybrid Publishers in 2017. Karenlee has had poems, short stories, and literary essays published and her first novel 8 States of Catastrophe was published in 2011 by Brolga Publishing (distributed by Pan Macmillan).  Her fiction, non-fiction and memoir pieces have been published in various Australian newspapers, magazines and anthologies and she has won awards for her fiction and poetry.

CONTACT – kt at karenleethompson dot com

7 responses to “About

  1. I am very impressed with the work you done. You are amazing and I wish I know how to express my creative side like you. You are truely an inspirations to every writer.

    • karenleethompson

      Oh, thank you Kay-Hock. Some of us express ourselves with the pen, others with the brush (you know who I’m talking about). Given that I cannot find a link to your beautiful artworks, here is one to your massage clinic instead – Kahuna Massage – another beautiful form of expression.

  2. Tam

    Hello my big *** writer.
    Love your stuff, how novel xx

  3. Surfing the waves of the web I am pleasantly stranded in your interesting blog.

    I write under the pseudonym of Josè Pascal (a descendant of the great Colonel Aureliano Buendía).

    I invite you to visit my “italianglish” writing blog http://parolesemplici.wordpress.com/mytinbox/.

    I define this blog “In parole Semplici” as a “virtuacultural tin” box where they are guarded thoughts, memories, images, sounds, and simple stories”.

    I dream an intercultural blog. Already involves more than 100 authors/friends.

    If you want to participate and to have more informations send me a letter to inparolesemplici@gmail.com

    Good life and I hope to soon

  4. Hi Karenlee,
    Thank you so much for your lovely review of Prayers of a Secular World. I am so glad you loved Sea Fox. It is such a delight to hear a response like that. I think it’s an amazing volume and such a beautiful idea. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and review the book.
    Daniela Giorgi

  5. Pingback: ‘The Glittering Facade’ at 2014 Stonnington Literary Festival | ANZ LitLovers LitBlog

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